Experience with products: vitality

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  • When I started drinking Multistar the energy level is really high.I do not feel tired any more and I can sleep only 4-5 hours to feel great.Also my whole family is using the product and they all say the same.Thwy just love it.Amazing results of Multistar product.

    Tags: energy, vitality
    Products: 1845 1846 1841
  • Total fatigue

    My grapnda has long time breathing probems and poor blood circulation resulting in him being constantly tired and fatigued. After using CARSICO his state rapidly improved after 4 days and he will continue to use it. His pressure improved, blood circulation too and he is just more energetic!

    Tags: vitality, fatigue,
    Products: 1120
  • Sport and products of

    I use three REGEMAX tablets after each training. These tablets add to my aminoacids. During demanding strength trainings I combine REGEMAX with GLUTAMINE. Two tablets of GLUTAMINE for regeneration, which I really appreciate.

    Tags: sport, vitality, regeneration
    Products: 1081 4566
  • Kids and MULTI STAR

    The product MULTI STAR is an absolute number one! I use it in my job as a pediatrician all the time with sick and unhealthy kids. It is very safe so I often offer it to pregnant women but mostly I give it to todlers and kindergarteners. Children in that environment are often sick, they have a cold, cough, inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis and other sicknessess common in children. The mom is then practically always at home. The weakened child is vulnerable to diseases and that is why MULTI STAR is an absolute treasure. With its composition it gives all the needed minerals, vitamins, aminoacids and enzymes that are crucial for anyones health. That all in a perfect amount and volume. Thanks to its organic structure, up to 98% of the provided substances are absorbed by the body, it gives energy to singular cells and supports the functions of all systems and organs. Thats why I recommend it to children in the times of sickness twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. It also supports the nervous and cardiovascular system, helps metabolism, state of bones, skin and the function of the brain. MULTI STAR is just simply everything in one. To avoid myself from getting sick when I work with kids I take one everyday before sleep, 10-15ml is well enough. I also give it to my 87 year old father who I also give CARNOSINE, CARSICO, CHLOROPHYLL and ACIDOPHILUS. He is not really vulnerable and open to infectious diseses as I am but he started to eat and lose some weight. He didn't have enough much needed nutrients in his diet. His state improved and even though he is 87 his psychological and physical state improved greatly.

    Tags: kids, vitality, immunity
    Products: 1845 1846 1841 1777 1120 7100 2709
  • Menopause

    I started using WILD JAM when I had problems with my menopause as a recommendation from my doctor. Soon everything returned to normal.
    jsem začala brát v době přechodu, kdy jsem měla velké potíže a na doporučení lékařky jsem ho začala užívat. Vše se vrátilo do normálu.
    WILD JAM fixed up my thyroid glands and I don't need to take any prescribed medicine. I feel better and full of life now, as if my youth returned. After this experience I am a representative of .

    Tags: menopause, thyroid glands, vitality
    Products: 2742
  • Expedition to Kilimanjaro

    It is not my experience but my brothers who went to Kilimanjaro. He said he used CORDYCEPS STAR, COENZYSTAR Q10, VITAMIN C 1000 and TAURINE 600 and not only that he reached the top, but compared to the other climbers he wasn't tired at all. His strength didn't let him down and he was able to take notice of the view around him as well.

    Tags: endurance, , vitality
    Products: 1888 1117 7303 7288
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