Experience with products: tiredness

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  • Cold, cough and more

    Student of 24 years was constantly sick. She had colds and such all the time. It kept getting worse and eventually started being tired and distracted. She started using products ALOE STAR, MULTI STAR, IMMUNITY STAR and GREPO STAR. After a week she wasn't sick. For these great products she is very thankful and happy and now she can properly study once again.

    Tags: fatigue, cold, tiredness, restlessness
    Products: 1122 1845 1846 1841 1180 1644
  • Fatigue

    I take coconut oil with my other supplements during lunchtime. I only take 1 capsule daily despite the recommended 2, but even 1 capsule greatly reduces the after lunch fatigue in front of the computer in the office. I have completely cut out coffee in the afternoons thanks to COCONUT OIL STAR. It really is a STAR!

    Tags: energy, tiredness
    Products: 1425
  • Tiredness

    I started using two products, MULTI STAR and NONI GOLD STAR and after 1 week of taking the supplements I feel less tired and more energized. I wake up refreshed and ready for the day.
    Thank you for great product.

    Tags: tiredness, energy
    Products: 1845 1846 1841 1870
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