Experience with products: depression

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  • Depression

    I had a months long depression, visiting the psychologist didn't help. I was recommended the products LIFE STAR 1-0-1, NONI GOLD STAR 1-0-1, CELL GUARD STAR 1-0-1 and PROTECT STAR 1-0-1. After a month I started to feel that "alive" again, and after six weeks my friends started asking me what treatment I used because my condition improved so fsat. I used the combination for another 3 months and the product LIFE STAR I still use.

    Tags: depression
    Products: 1200 1870 1700 2735
  • Depression, fatigue, nervosity

    Woman of 58 years suffered from great depressinos and was followed by fatigue and nervosity. Her mental health was really out of balance. After half a year of using MULTI STAR 0 -0 -1, LIFE STAR 1 -0 -1, CARNOSIN 1-0-1 the problems were completely gone.

    Tags: depression, nervosity, fatigue
    Products: 1845 1846 1841 1200 1777
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